Tiny Forest: first Monitoring Report published - Earthwatch Europe
Earthwatch Europe Blog

Tiny Forest: first Monitoring Report published

Earthwatch Europe has published the first monitoring report for its Tiny Forest programme showcasing the first insights into the benefits to the environment and biodiversity that a Tiny Forest can provide in its early stages.

The report highlights the vital role of the “super powerful citizen scientists” who have been involved in gathering the data. In June 2021, Earthwatch Europe, together with community members, schools, businesses and local authorities, started the first year of Tiny Forest monitoring across the UK. With 25 Science Days carried out at 17 Tiny Forests and 774 volunteers trained as citizen scientists, we now have an initial picture of the characteristics of Tiny Forests.

This report provides a summary of the data that has been collected so far for our Tiny Forest core research topics: carbon capture, flood management, cooling effect of trees and biodiversity. It also includes feedback from the Science Day participants.

Overall, the first findings show that Tiny Forests are of significant positive value for the environment and people.

Read the Tiny Forest Monitoring report here.

Members of the public interested in helping to collect Tiny Forest data or who would like to become a Tree Keeper can get in touch with the Tiny Forest team: tinyforest@earthwatch.org.uk.  

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