My Donation - Earthwatch Europe
A group of teachers sitting in a circle outside surrounded by nature. Earthwatch Education staff in branded t-shirts giving a presentation.

Manage your donation

Thank you for supporting Earthwatch Europe. By supporting our work, you are helping people to create meaningful nature connections and providing communities with the resources to protect the nature around them.

On this page, you can update your Direct Debit and notify us of any changes to your Gift Aid declaration.

Update Your Direct Debit

This form allows you to update your Direct Debit amount. We will confirm any changes with you in writing at least 3 working days before the first payment is taken. This form is used for amending existing Direct Debits, if you would like to set up a new Direct Debit donation, please visit our donation page.

Your name(Required)
We’ll confirm any changes to you via e-mail
Your address(Required)

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The Direct Debit Guarantee

  • This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits
  • If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Conservation Education and Research Trust will notify you 3 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Conservation Education and Research Trust to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request
  • If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Conservation Education and Research Trust or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society.
  • If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Conservation Education and Research Trust asks you to.
  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

  • Update Your Gift Aid Declaration

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