12, Jarman Close, Buckingham, England, MK18 7AB, UK.
This Tiny Forest in Bourton Park, Buckingham was planted in partnership with Buckingham Town Council and Buckinghamshire Council in March 2023. Members of the local community come together to plant hundreds of trees on Friday 17th March. This forest, which was funded through the Local Authority Treescapes Fund secured by Buckinghamshire Council, will be the second Tiny Forest in Buckinghamshire after Princes Risboroughs forest which was planted in February 2023.
- Alder
- Alder buckthorn
- Downy Birch
- Silver Birch
- Bird Cherry
- Wild Cherry
- Common privet
- Dog Rose
- Dogwood
- Wych Elm
- Guelder Rose
- Hazel
- Hornbeam
- Small-leaved Lime
- English Oak
- Rowan
- Goat Willow