Launch of The Bakery Sustainability Lab
18th January 2021
The Bakery and Earthwatch Europe are proud to announce the launch of our new initiative that will help corporations to drive forward their journey towards sustainable growth. The Bakery Sustainability Lab will enable like-minded organisations to join forces and innovate together towards the common goal of improving our sustainability, now.
“The Bakery are pioneers in innovation and Earthwatch are pioneers in sustainability science. Our combined capabilities create a unique service in the Sustainability Lab, the first initiative of its kind in Europe, that will enable pioneering corporates to accelerate their sustainability innovation journey.” – Chris Ballard, Head of Innovation, Earthwatch.
The combination of Earthwatchs unrivalled experience of engaging citizens and corporations in science-led environmental projects, together with our proven model of corporate-startup collaboration, will together enable us to deliver truly meaningful innovation. – Andrew Humphries, The Bakery Co-Founder.
The Bakery Sustainability Lab helps organisations become more sustainable by:
Identifying their most important sustainability challenges
Finding, testing and implementing innovative solutions from the startup ecosystem
Drive real, sustainable outcomes to reduce our impact on the planet
Organisations who have sustainability high on their 2021 agenda can get in touch here to join our first cohort.
About The Bakery: The Bakery helps large corporations around the world solve their biggest business challenges. From partnering with startups and entrepreneurs to building new ventures at speed, The Bakery are able to help large organisations unlock new opportunities and drive actionable change at all stages of their innovation journey.