Earthwatch regularly publishes scientific results in journals and books, in collaboration with international partners and participants.
Bishop, I., Boldrini, A., Clymans, W., Hall, C., Moorhouse, H., Parkinson, S., Scott-Somme, K., Thornhill, I., & Loiselle, S. (2025). FreshWater Watch: Investigating the Health of Freshwater Ecosystems, from the Bottom Up. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 10(1): 2, pp. 1–16.
Warner, S., Blanco Ramírez, S., de Vries, S., Marangu, N., Ateba Bessa, H., Toranzo, C., Imaralieva, M., Abrate, T., Kiminta, E., Castro, J., de Souza, M.L., Ghaffar Memon, A., Loiselle, S., & Juanah, M.S.E. (2024) Empowering citizen scientists to improve water quality: from monitoring to action. Front. Water 6:1367198
Molina, E. B., Turo, M., Ceccaroni, L., Woods, S., Parkinson, S., Sprinks, J., Lessin, G., Simis, S. G. H., Flynn, K. J., Butkeviciene, E., Costa, P., Ribeiro, A., Cardoso, F., & Piera, J. (2024). NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE BLUE SCHOOLS: SCHOLAR GRANTS, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, AND CITIZEN SCIENCE UNDER THE PROBLEU PROJECT. EDULEARN24 Proceedings, 10224–10225.
Parkinson, S., Ceccaroni, L., Edelist, D., Robertson, E., Horincar, R., Laudy, C., Ganchev, T., Markova, V., Pearlman, J., Simpson, P., Venus, V., Muchada, P., Kazanjian, G., Bye, B. L., Oliveira, M., Paredes, H., Sprinks, J., Witter, A., Cruz, B., Das, K.,& Woods, S. M. (2024). The Iliad digital twins of the ocean: opportunities for citizen science. ARPHA Proceedings, 6, 61–65.
Sprinks, J., Maccani, G., Fraisl, D., Leal, A. S., Gras-Velazquez, A., Liconti, A., Fritz, S., Azevedo, C., Ceccaroni, L.,& Parkinson, S. (2024). CROPS: changing the scale of citizen science towards the transnational level. ARPHA Proceedings, 6, 101–105.
Norby, R.J., Loader, N.J., Mayoral, C., Ullah, S., Curioni, G., Smith, A.R., Reay, M.K., van Wijngaarden, K., Amjad, M.S., Brettle, D., Crockatt, M.E., … & MacKenzie, R.A. (2024). Enhanced woody biomass production in a mature temperate forest under elevated CO2. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 983–988
Pierce, J.R., Costadone, L., Mannetti, L., Morpurgo, J., Green, C.E., Halder, M.H., Guijosa, P., Bogan, A.L., Galt, R., & Hughes, J. (2024). Urban Nature Indexes tool offers comprehensive and flexible approach to monitoring urban ecological performance. npj Urban Sustain 4, 22.
Loiselle, S., Bishop, I., Moorhouse, H., Pilat, C., Koelman, E., Nelson, R., Clymans, W., Pratt, J., & Lewis, V. (2024) Citizen scientists filling knowledge gaps of phosphate pollution dynamics in rural areas. Environ Monit Assess, 196, 220
Walton, R. E., Moorhouse, H. L., Roberts, L. R., Salgado, J., Ladd, C. J., Do, N. T., Panizzo, V. N., Van, P. D. T., Downes, N. K., Trinh, D. A., McGowan, S., Taylor, S., & Henderson, A. C. (2024). Using lake sediments to assess the long-term impacts of anthropogenic activity in tropical river deltas. The Anthropocene Review, 11(2), 442-462.
Nankanja, A., Ndyamuhaki, I., Ssemulondo, I., Wamema, Z., Ceccaroni, L., & Streichert, L. C. (2023). A One Health Social Science Approach to Water Security and Gender Equity in Rural Uganda. One Health Cases, 2023, ohcs20230026.
Ceccaroni, L., Woods, S. M., Butkevičienė, E., Parkinson, S., Sprinks, J., Costa, P., Simis, S.G.H., Lessin, G., Liñán, S., Companys, B., Bonfill, E., & Piera, J. (2023). The Role of Citizen Science in Promoting Ocean and Water Literacy in School Communities: The ProBleu Methodology. Sustainability, 15(14), 11410.
Ceccaroni, L., Oliver, J. L., Roger, E., Bibby, J., Flemons, P., Michael, K., & Joly, A. (2023). Advancing the productivity of science with citizen science and artificial intelligence.
Moshi, H. A., Shilla, D. A., Brehim, J., Kimirei, I., O’Reilly, C., & Loiselle, S. (2023). Sustainable Management of the African Great Lake Coastal Areas: Motivations and Perspectives of Community Citizen Scientists. Environmental Management, 1-15.
Sprinks, J., Ceccaroni, L., Woods, S., Parkinson, S., & Gumiero, B. (2022). Design of a platform to measure the impact of citizen science.
Winton, D., Marazzi, L., & Loiselle, S. (2022). Drivers of public plastic (mis)use — New insights from changes in single-use plastic usage during the Covid-19 pandemic. Science of The Total Environment, 157672.
Parkinson, S., Woods, S. M., Sprinks, J., & Ceccaroni, L. (2022). A Practical Approach to Assessing the Impact of Citizen Science towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 14(8), 4676.
Woods, S. M., Daskolia, M., Joly, A., Bonnet, P., Soacha, K., Liñan, S., … & Ceccaroni, L. (2022). How Networks of Citizen Observatories Can Increase the Quality and Quantity of Citizen-Science-Generated Data Used to Monitor SDG Indicators. Sustainability, 14(7), 4078.
Simaika, J. P., Bishop, I., Kelly, M., & Castañeda, R. (2022). Freshwater Biota as Indicators of Impact: Case Studies and Examples of the Major Groups in Surface Water Assessment. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (Second Edition), Volume 4, 20-34.
Moshi, H. A., Kimirei, I., Shilla, D., O’Reilly, C., Wehrli, B., Ehrenfels, B., & Loiselle, S. (2022). Citizen scientist monitoring accurately reveals nutrient pollution dynamics in Lake Tanganyika coastal waters. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 194(10), 689.
Moshi, H. A., Shilla, D. A., Kimirei, I. A., O’Reilly, C., Clymans, W., Bishop, I., & Loiselle, S. A. (2022). Community monitoring of coliform pollution in Lake Tanganyika. Plos one, 17(1), e0262881.
Cárdenas, M., Pudifoot, B., Narraway, C., Pilat, C., Beumer, V. & Hayhow, D. (2022). Nature-based Solutions Building Urban Resilience for People and the Environment: Tiny Forest as a case study. Royal Forestry Society, 116(3)
Wehn, U., Gharesifard, M., Ceccaroni, L., Joyce, H., Ajates, R., Woods, S., … & Wheatland, J. (2021). Impact assessment of citizen science: state of the art and guiding principles for a consolidated approach. Sustainability Science, 16(5), 1683-1699.
Di Grazia, F., Gumiero, B., Galgani, L., Troiani, E., Ferri, M., & Loiselle, S. A. (2021). Ecosystem Services Evaluation of Nature-Based Solutions with the Help of Citizen Scientists. Sustainability, 13(19), 10629.
Ngao, J., Cárdenas, M. L., Améglio, T., Colin, J., & Saudreau, M. (2021). Implications of Urban Land Management on the Cooling Properties of Urban Trees: Citizen Science and Laboratory Analysis. Sustainability, 13(24), 13656.
Jones, A. G., Clymans, W., Palmer, D. J., & Crockatt, M. E. (2021). Revaluating forest drought experiments according to future precipitation patterns, ecosystem carbon and decomposition rate responses: A meta-analysis. Ambio, 1-12.
Sprinks, J., Woods, S. M., Parkinson, S., Wehn, U., Joyce, H., Ceccaroni, L., & Gharesifard, M. (2021). Coordinator perceptions when assessing the impact of citizen science towards sustainable development goals. Sustainability, 13(4), 2377.
Haklay, M., Fraisl, D., Greshake Tzovaras, B., Hecker, S., Gold, M., Hager, G., Ceccaroni, L., … & Vohland, K. (2021). Contours of citizen science: a vignette study. Royal Society open science, 8(8), 202108.
Ferrando Jorge, N., Clark, J., Cárdenas, M. L., Geoghegan, H., & Shannon, V. (2021). Measuring Soil Colour to Estimate Soil Organic Carbon Using a Large-Scale Citizen Science-Based Approach. Sustainability, 13(19), 11029.
Vohland, K., Land-Zandstra, A., Ceccaroni, L., Lemmens, R., Perelló, J., Ponti, M., Samson, R., & Wagenknecht, K. (2021). The Science of Citizen Science. Springer, Cham. DOI:
van Noordwijk, T., Bishop, I., Staunton-Lamb, S., Oldfield, A., Loiselle, S., Geoghegan, H., & Ceccaroni, L. (2021). Creating Positive Environmental Impact Through Citizen Science. In The Science of Citizen Science (pp. 373-395). Springer, Cham. DOI:
Ceccaroni, L., Woods, S. M., Sprinks, J., Wilson, S., Faustman, E. M., Bonn, A., … & Kimura, A. H. (2021). Citizen Science, Health, and Environmental Justice. The Science of Citizen Science, 219.
Wagenknecht, K., Woods, T., Sanz, F. G., Gold, M., Bowser, A., Rüfenacht, S., … Ceccaroni, L., & Piera, J. (2021). EU-Citizen. Science: A Platform for Mainstreaming Citizen Science and Open Science in Europe. Data Intelligence, 3(1), 136-149.
Vohland, K., Land-Zandstra, A., Ceccaroni, L., Lemmens, R., Perelló, J., Ponti, M., … & Wagenknecht, K. (2021). The Science of Citizen Science Evolves. Chapter 1. in Vohland, K. et al (Eds.).(2021) The Science of Citizen Science. Springer. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-030-58278-4. pp 1-12.
Lemmens, R., Falquet, G., Tsinaraki, C., Klan, F., Schade, S., Bastin, L., … & Ceccaroni, L. (2021). A Conceptual Model for Participants and Activities in Citizen Science Projects. The Science of Citizen Science, 159.
Cárdenas, M. L., Wilde, V., Hagen-Zanker, A., Seifert-Dähnn, I., Hutchins, M. G., & Loiselle, S. (2021). The circular benefits of participation in nature-based solutions. Sustainability, 13(8), 4344.
Hegarty, S., Hayes, A., Regan, F., Bishop, I., & Clinton, R. (2021). Using citizen science to understand river water quality while filling data gaps to meet United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 objectives. Science of The Total Environment, 783, 146953.
Pudifoot, B., Cárdenas, M. L., Buytaert, W., Paul, J. D., Narraway, C. L., & Loiselle, S. (2021). When it rains, it pours: integrating Citizen science methods to understand resilience of urban green spaces. Frontiers in Water, 3, 33.
De Clippele, L., Michelotti, M., Findlay, C. R., Cartwright, A., Fang, Q., Wheatley, C., … Scott-Somme, K., … & De Meyer, K. (2021). The Future of Our Seas: Marine scientists and creative professionals collaborate for science communication. Research for All.
Head, J. S., Crockatt, M. E., Didarali, Z., Woodward, M. J., & Emmett, B. A. (2020). The role of citizen science in meeting SDG targets around soil health. Sustainability, 12(24), 10254.
Bishop, I. J., Warner, S., van Noordwijk, T. C., Nyoni, F. C., & Loiselle, S. (2020). Citizen Science Monitoring for Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 6.3. 2 in England and Zambia. Sustainability, 12(24), 10271.
Marazzi, L., Loiselle, S., Anderson, L. G., Rocliffe, S., & Winton, D. J. (2020). Consumer-based actions to reduce plastic pollution in rivers: A multi-criteria decision analysis approach. PloS one, 15(8), e0236410.
Vye, S. R., Dickens, S., Adams, L., Bohn, K., Chenery, J., Dobson, N., … Winton, D., … & Burrows, M. T. (2020). Patterns of abundance across geographical ranges as a predictor for responses to climate change: Evidence from UK rocky shores. Diversity and Distributions, 26(10), 1357-1365.
Ceccaroni, L., Piera, J., Wernand, M. R., Zielinski, O., Busch, J. A., Van Der Woerd, H. J., … & Dubsky, K. (2020). Citclops: A next-generation sensor system for the monitoring of natural waters and a citizens’ observatory for the assessment of ecosystems’ status. PloS one, 15(3), e0230084.
Roberts, L. R., Bishop, I. J., & Adams, J. K. (2020). Anthropogenically forced change in aquatic ecosystems: Reflections on the use of monitoring, archival and palaeolimnological data to inform conservation. Geo: Geography and Environment, 7(1), e00089.
Winton, D. J., Anderson, L. G., Rocliffe, S., & Loiselle, S. (2020). Macroplastic pollution in freshwater environments: Focusing public and policy action. Science of the Total Environment, 704, 135242.
Ceccaroni, L., Bowser, A., Brenton, P. (2019). Civic Education and Citizen Science: Definitions, Categories, Knowledge Representation. In Civic Engagement and Politics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Information Resources Management Association, Hershey, USA.
Ceccaroni, L., Bibby, J., Roger, E., Flemons, P., Michael, K., Fagan, L. and Oliver, J. L. (2019). Opportunities and Risks for Citizen Science in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1).
Thornhill, I., Loiselle, S., Clymans, W., & van Noordwijk, C. G. E. (2019). How citizen scientists can enrich freshwater science as contributors, collaborators, and co-creators. Freshwater Science, 38(2), 231-235.
August, T. A., West, S. E., Robson, H., Lyon, J., Huddart, J., Velasquez, L. F., & Thornhill, I. (2019). Citizen meets social science: predicting volunteer involvement in a global freshwater monitoring experiment. Freshwater science, 38(2), 321-331.
Dawson, M. R., Hutchins, M., Bachiller-Jareno, N., & Loiselle, S. (2019). The spatial and temporal variation of water quality at a community garden site in an urban setting: citizen science in action. Freshwater Science, 38(2), 352-364.
Miguel-Chinchilla, L., Heasley, E., Loiselle, S., & Thornhill, I. (2019). Local and landscape influences on turbidity in urban streams: a global approach using citizen scientists. Freshwater Science, 38(2), 303-320.
Ceccaroni, L., Velickovski, F., Blaas, M., Wernand, M. R., Blauw, A., & Subirats, L. (2018). Artificial intelligence and earth observation to explore water quality in the Wadden Sea. Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation, 15, 311-320.
Luna, S., Gold, M., Albert, A., Ceccaroni, L., Claramunt, B., Danylo, O., … & Sturm, U. (2018). Developing mobile applications for environmental and biodiversity citizen science: considerations and recommendations. In Multimedia tools and applications for environmental & biodiversity informatics (pp. 9-30). Springer, Cham.
Mazumdar, S., Ceccaroni, L., Piera, J., Hölker, F., Berre, A., Arlinghaus, R., & Bowser, A. (2018). Citizen science technologies and new opportunities for participation. In: Hecker, S., Haklay, M., Bowser, A., Makuch, Z., & Vogel, J. (Eds.). (2018). Citizen science: innovation in open science, society and policy. UCL Press. DOI:
Ceccaroni, L. & Piera, J. (2018). Stakeholder engagement in water quality research: A case study based on the Citclops and MONOCLE projects. In: Hecker, S., Haklay, M., Bowser, A., Makuch, Z., & Vogel, J. (Eds.). (2018). Citizen science: innovation in open science, society and policy. UCL Press. DOI:
Cunha, D. G. F., Dodds, W. K., & Loiselle, S. A. (2018). Factors related to water quality and thresholds for microcystin concentrations in subtropical Brazilian reservoirs. Inland Waters, 8(3), 368-380.
Thornhill, I., Chautard, A., & Loiselle, S. (2018). Monitoring biological and chemical trends in temperate still waters using citizen science. Water, 10(7), 839.
Ceccaroni, L., Velickovski, F., Steblin, A., & Subirats, L. (2018). Citclops: data interpretation and knowledge-based systems integration. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 13, 24-37.
Sturm, U., Gold, M., Luna, S., Schade, S., Ceccaroni, L., Kyba, C. C. M., … & Kullenberg, C. (2018). Defining principles for mobile apps and platforms development in citizen science. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 3, e21283.
Eitzel, M. V., Cappadonna, J. L., Santos-Lang, C., Duerr, R. E., Virapongse, A., West, S. E., … Ceccaroni, L., … & Jiang, Q. (2017). Citizen science terminology matters: Exploring key terms. Citizen science: Theory and practice, 2(1).
Ceccaroni, L., & Piera, J. (Eds.). (2017). Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. IGI Global.
Hadj-Hammou, J., Loiselle, S., Ophof, D., & Thornhill, I. (2017). Getting the full picture: Assessing the complementarity of citizen science and agency monitoring data. PLoS One, 12(12), e0188507.
Loiselle, S. A., Frost, P. C., Turak, E., & Thornhill, I. (2017). Citizen scientists supporting environmental research priorities. Science of the Total Environment, 598, 937.
Cunha, D. G., Marques, J. F., Resende, J. C., Falco, P. B., Souza, C. M., & Loiselle, S. A. (2017). Citizen science participation in research in the environmental sciences: key factors related to projects’ success and longevity. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 89, 2229-2245.
Thornhill, I., Ho, J. G., Zhang, Y., Li, H., Ho, K. C., Miguel-Chinchilla, L., & Loiselle, S. A. (2017). Prioritising local action for water quality improvement using citizen science; a study across three major metropolitan areas of China. Science of the Total Environment, 584, 1268-1281.
Cunha, D. G. F., Casali, S. P., De Falco, P. B., Thornhill, I., & Loiselle, S. A. (2017). The contribution of volunteer-based monitoring data to the assessment of harmful phytoplankton blooms in Brazilian urban streams. Science of The Total Environment, 584, 586-594.
Busch, J. A., Bardaji, R., Ceccaroni, L., Friedrichs, A., Piera, J., Simon, C., … & Zielinski, O. (2016). Citizen bio-optical observations from coast-and ocean and their compatibility with ocean colour satellite measurements. Remote Sensing, 8(11), 879.
Codina, V., Ricci, F., & Ceccaroni, L. (2016). Distributional semantic pre-filtering in context-aware recommender systems. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 26(1), 1-32.
Loiselle, S. A., Gasparini Fernandes Cunha, D., Shupe, S., Valiente, E., Rocha, L., Heasley, E., … & Baruch, A. (2016). Micro and macroscale drivers of nutrient concentrations in urban streams in South, Central and North America. PLoS One, 11(9), e0162684.
Thornhill, I., Loiselle, S., Lind, K., & Ophof, D. (2016). The citizen science opportunity for researchers and agencies. BioScience, 66(9), 720-721.
Loiselle, S., Thornhill, I., & Bailey, N. (2016, February). Citizen science: advantages of shallow versus deep participation. In Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016 (p. 5).
Castilla, E. P., Cunha, D. G. F., Lee, F. W. F., Loiselle, S., Ho, K. C., & Hall, C. (2015). Quantification of phytoplankton bloom dynamics by citizen scientists in urban and peri-urban environments. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187(11), 1-11.
Crockatt, M. E., & Bebber, D. P. (2015). Edge effects on moisture reduce wood decomposition rate in a temperate forest. Global Change Biology, 21(2), 698-707.
Riutta, T., Clack, H., Crockatt, M., & Slade, E. M. (2016). Landscape-scale implications of the edge effect on soil fauna activity in a temperate forest. Ecosystems, 19(3), 534-544.
Castilla, E. P., Cunha, D. G. F., Lee, F. W. F., Loiselle, S., Ho, K. C., & Hall, C. (2015). Quantification of phytoplankton bloom dynamics by citizen scientists in urban and peri-urban environments. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187(11), 1-11.
McMahon, S. M., Bebber, D. P., Butt, N., Crockatt, M., Kirby, K., Parker, G. G., … & Slade, E. M. (2015). Ground based LiDAR demonstrates the legacy of management history to canopy structure and composition across a fragmented temperate woodland. Forest Ecology and Management, 335, 255-260.
Butt, N., Bebber, D. P., Riutta, T., Crockatt, M., Morecroft, M. D., & Malhi, Y. (2014). Relationships between tree growth and weather extremes: spatial and interspecific comparisons in a temperate broadleaf forest. Forest ecology and management, 334, 209-216.