Earthwatch at 50: Carmody Grey
2nd September 2018
Earthwatch at 50: Carmody Grey’s story
Carmody Grey first encountered Earthwatch through a family connection in 2013. Having grown up with a fascination for natural history, and in her professions as a teacher and a university researcher in ethics, nature and environment, Carmody jumped at the opportunity to combine her passions and join an Earthwatch trip as a group leader on a schools expedition to Borneo.
Earthwatch has become important to me because its a way of joining up the two perspectives on the world which I habitually inhabit. On the one hand Earthwatch is about supporting and doing natural scientific study of the earth and the earths systems, but at the same time it does that precisely with a view to our valuing of nature, our wonder and joy in nature, our desire to protect it and care for it.
Facilitating the engagement of school students with science and nature was a profound experience for Carmody. It confirmed her own sense that we each have within us a spontaneous wonder, respect and curiosity about nature which can shape our lives and choices. If we foster that in young people, we can bring about lasting change, creating a better future for all life on earth. Shes been a passionate advocate for Earthwatch ever since.
Carmody Grey first encountered Earthwatch through a family connection in 2013. Having grown up with a fascination for natural history, and in her professions as a teacher and a university researcher in ethics, nature and environment, Carmody jumped at the opportunity to combine her passions and join an Earthwatch trip as a group leader on a schools expedition to Borneo.
Earthwatch has become important to me because it a way of joining up the two perspectives on the world which I habitually inhabit. On the one hand Earthwatch is about supporting and doing natural scientific study of the earth and the earth systems, but at the same time it does that precisely with a view to our valuing of nature, our wonder and joy in nature, our desire to protect it and care for it.
Facilitating the engagement of school students with science and nature was a profound experience for Carmody. It confirmed her own sense that we each have within us a spontaneous wonder, respect and curiosity about nature which can shape our lives and choices. If we foster that in young people, we can bring about lasting change, creating a better future for all life on earth. She been a passionate advocate for Earthwatch ever since.